Friday, March 30, 2018

Make the most of Easter

Easter is not about you! The biggest mistake you can make this Easter period is to make it about you, either by making the suffering and sacrifice of Jesus Christ about you and your wellbeing in life or by simply thinking about the long weekend ahead and missing the opportunity to reflect on the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God in working out our salvation through Christ. So how can we make the most of the Passion Week? Let me suggest two ways.

Praise God for your salvation
How often do you reflect on your salvation? How often do you meditate on the gospel? We neglect these truths at our own peril. The moment we take our salvation for granted and deceive ourselves into thinking the gospel is only for the unsaved, we fall into the trap of thinking we are good people who deserve to be saved. What this Passion Week provides us is the opportunity to reflect on the great work that God has done which should lead us in total praise. We should stand amazed at the richness of God’s mercy and greatness of grace towards us. Marshall Segal reminds us what salvation is all about when he says, “Christ was betrayed for the glory of God, because in being betrayed God was able to adopt sinful us as precious sons and daughters ‘to the praise of his glorious grace’ (Ephesians 1:5–6). Christ was crucified for the glory of God, because in being crucified he was able to bring us to God (1 Peter 3:18). Christ was raised for the glory of God, because in being raised God made us alive with him (Ephesians 2:5), and shows the world ‘the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us’ (Ephesians 2:7).”[1]  Make the most of Easter by giving thanks to God for your salvation.

Proclaim the death of Christ to the lost
This Easter holiday is not simply a long weekend to meet up with friends and party. We miss the point if we simply use it to sleep in and catch up on unfinished tasks. We miss an opportunity to proclaim Christ and Him crucified if all we do is go on family vacations and enjoy ourselves. While there is nothing wrong with any of the things I have listed, in fact they are good and to be encouraged, we would be amiss if we did not seize the opportunity to make Jesus known at the time when everyone is directly or indirectly thinking about His death, burial and resurrection. So while you go out for a party, enjoy a family vacation, or sort out your honey to do list, seek for ways to make Christ known to those who do not know him.

Easter is not about or me. It is not primarily about our happiness. Easter is about the glory and praise of the triune God in the great work of salvation. So let’s praise Him for our salvation and proclaim Him to the lost.


Thursday, March 22, 2018

Four dangers facing the church in Zambia

The people of God have always faced opposition both internally and externally. Christ assured the disciples that challenges of all sorts will follow them because of their decision to follow Him. And throughout her history, the church of Christ has faced and fought battles of all kinds, and that is the status quo today. Though there is nothing new under the sun, dynamics change from time to time, and it is therefore a healthy practice to take stock of the dangers that are with us now and those that are on the horizon. I am not a prophet neither am I a son of one, but I see four (among many) challenges that the church in Zambia should be prepared to face.

A love for the world in the church
The first challenge is an internal one. Believers have always battled with the love of the world, however I sense a different kind of worldliness within the church that seems to be creeping in at an alarming rate. The worldliness I am talking about has come as a result of what may be termed “a revolt against the traditional positions of mainline Christianity.” Some of these positions are regulations that the church has espoused and talked about (strongly) that are not necessarily the teachings of Scripture but the convictions and preferences of men (issues like music, drinking, tattoos, worship styles, etc.). So as most believers (particularly the younger believers) have become enlightened about what Scripture actually teaches, they have reacted by choosing to be the opposite of mainline Christianity and the end result has been a daring worldliness. The church has to begin to have honest conversations about some of these issues and be willing to admit what the Bible actually teaches without conceding the fight against sin. The moment the church becomes worldly is the moment it loses its testimony and witness to the world.

Charismatic teachings and practices
When an average Zambian hears the term pastor, they often think of charismatic preachers: self-exaltation, fancy (often colorful) dressing, dream explainer, tongue speaking, motivational speaker, miracle worker, demon slayer and lover of money. Gone are the days when pastors are merely viewed as teachers and preachers of the Word of God. The charismatic movement is a cancer in our country, and its teachings and practices must be aggressively exposed and uprooted before they eat up the entire church! These practices include: deliverance services, altar calls, the viewing of pastors as mediators between God and man, hierarchy of offices not taught or practiced in the Bible, the making of pastor’s wives into assistant pastors, Christ-less gospel and sermons, worship services designed to entertain, unity that ignores and compromises the truth of Scripture etc. What makes the charismatic movement appealing in Africa is that it resonates with our African worldview. This is a challenge that should not be faced head on. If there was ever a need for faithful preachers of the Word of God, now is the time.

A rise in atheistic thinking
While there not many atheists in our country compared to other countries, the number is rising. Atheistic thinking is more common than we care to admit. The number of people that deny the existence of God either in word or deed is alarming. Popular motivational speaking for instance is largely based on evolutional thinking. Man is no longer a created being who is totally sinful, but someone who is inherently good who just happens to be in the wrong place with the wrong people. Another result of atheistic thinking has been the battle of the races and sexes. White supremacy and male supremacy has led to a reaction where you have blacks and females pushing for their own supremacy. Atheistic thinking is becoming very popular among young adult college students because it is viewed as progressive and intelligent. In light of this danger of church cannot afford not to be clear about matters of origin and the implications of the gospel in peoples lives.  

A denial of the sufficiency of Scripture
Most people believe the Bible is the Word of God, and it is good and helpful for your spiritual wellbeing. However, not many people believe the Scriptures are sufficient for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3). As a result, the truths of Scripture are constantly under attack especially in the recent times when the Bible is generally viewed as out of date. It is therefore not uncommon to find people who are committed to church and do not apply or even think about what the Scripture says about an issue. This is often reflected in marriage, family, births, funerals, education, entertainment, work and business and our involvement in politics.  For most people the Bible is for Bible studies and preaching sermons and not for “actual” life. The church cannot afford to be wishy washy about this issue. Now is the time for preachers to raise their voices in proclaiming thus says the Lord!
These and many other challenges will batter the church from all angles. And the temptation to succumb will be great, and sadly many will fall along the way. However, now is the time for the church to take its stand and not waver from upholding the truths of Scripture; now is the time for courageous preachers who will preach the Word with boldness and clarity. Now is the time for Christian homes to unapologetically be biblical. Dear friends, against unnumbered foes, let courage rise with danger. 

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Bearing fruit in keeping with salvation (Part 4)

The world has for many generations been striving for peace. Peace treaties, summits, conferences and all kinds of meetings have been convened to promote peace among nations, communities, and even between individuals. However, despite people’s best efforts the world is not peaceful. Tribalism, nepotism, racism are rife. Furthermore, on an interpersonal level peace does not characterize many relationships and conflicts are ongoing. Sadly, most of us live with inner turmoil and chaos in our hearts. In what ways then do we need peace in our lives?

The Bible tells us that we are born sinners (Ps. 51:5), and as a result, we are hostile to God (Col. 1:21). Because of our hostility resulting from our sinfulness, God’s wrath is upon us from birth (Eph. 2:3, Rom. 1:18). Therefore, there is no peace between God and man because of our sins. Thankfully, God demonstrated His love towards us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us and paid the penalty for our sins (Rom. 5:8). As a result of this great salvation, sinful man is reconciled back to God, and man can have peace with God (Rom. 5:1).

It is those then who have experienced this peace of God that comes as a result of salvation that have peace internally. It is the peace that comes from knowing that your sins are forgiven and you do not bear their burden anymore. It is also the peace that comes from knowing that your life is in the hands of God (Matt. 6:25-34). It is the peace which passes all understanding that rules our hearts (Phil. 4:6, Col. 3:14). The evidence of this peace in the believer’s life is the absence of fear and anxiety. It is not so for those who are not at peace with God. The Lord Himself warns us of this truth through His prophet Isaiah.
But the wicked are like the tossing sea; for it cannot be quiet and its waters toss up mire and dirt. There is no peace says my God for the wicked. Isaiah 57:20-21

A restless and agitated soul is an indicator of a life that knows no peace with God, and like the waters of the sea that are tossed to and fro, that soul is full of noise and misery.

Peace with God and within one’s soul results in peace with others. As the Spirit of God works in us, we invariably live at peace with all men. The Bible exhorts us if it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men (Rom. 12:18). All men, includes brothers and sisters, family, friends and enemies. Those who are spirit filled live at peace with all people because the love of God rules their lives, and they have the mind of Christ (Phil. 2:1-5).

Another important truth to highlight about the peace from God is that it is different from the peace that the world preaches. In the world, peace is the absence of turmoil, trouble and all kinds of difficulty. In contrast, biblical peace is actually seen in the midst of turmoil. The words of Christ to his disciples are very instructive for us today, so I leave you with them to mediate on.

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world. John 16:33